The Miss Canal Winchester Scholarship Pageant
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I approach local businesses about being a potential sponsor?
Here is a letter you can use to pass out to local businesses to solicit sponsorship for the pageant.
2. What are the scholarship parameters? Why do you have a scholarship?
The new Pageant Committee decided we want to continue offering a scholarship for the ladies in the high school category. Each year we will decide how much we can offer as a scholarship, so it’s possible that the amount could change. For this year, we are awarding scholarship money as follows:
Miss CW - $1,000.00
Miss CW, 1st attendant - $500.00
Miss CW, 2nd attendant - $250.00
Miss Congeniality - $250.00
All scholarship awards are sent directly to the college, trade school, post high school program, etc.
3. What is the dress attire for your events?
We try to wear formals for parades, however; weather often dictates how the girls dress. For extremely hot weather, we sometimes will wear dressy sundresses. For cold weather, we have a winter attire which is black pants, black boots, and warm woolies. We also wear capes for cold parades. We do have enough capes that girls should be able to borrow; however, one can be made at a cost of $40-$55 if desired.
4. What are contestants expected to wear in the pageant?
The girls in the Tiny and Little category can wear street length dressy dresses. They can not wear long dresses.
The girls in the Junior category may wear a dress of their choosing, formal gowns permitted but not required..
The girls in the Miss category can also wear a street length dress, however; most of them wear long formals.
The girls in the Junior and Miss category will also model a casual wear outfit. This can be from an activity they participate in, or anything that is casual of their choosing.
5. What are the guidelines towards the sponsor we solicit, and how will they be acknowledged?
Contestants in the Miss category are asked to solicit a $50.00 sponsor. You will thank them when you are on stage, and they will be listed in the program. Do not solicit from the Pageant Sponsors which can be found on our website.
6. Why do we need a sponsor?
We believe that our program is only as strong as its participants. For us to continue, we need more people to help us seek sponsors for the pageant.
7. What is the financial commitment of being on the court?
It’s the committee’s belief that this program should be of reasonable costs to the contestants and our court members. All programs (sports, music, and pageants) do have fundraisers to help to offset the cost of the program. As the year progresses court members will be asked to donate things for our luncheon, to purchase their own cape if they want one, possibly purchase vehicle magnets, tee shirts, and to pay for luncheon tickets if they wish to travel to other festivals and luncheons. The committee does not replace tiaras or sashes if lost or damaged, so that could be an added expenses as well.
8. How are judges for the pageant selected?
The committee seeks judges from out of the CW area,and tries to rotate judges so they aren’t judging successive years. Different judges are chosen for three different categories; Stage, Interview (for 6th-12th grade), and Essay (9th-12th
9. If chosen for the new court, what is the time commitment?
There are a few activities in CW that are required for all court members. Those are Christmas in the Village, Ring the Bell for Salvation Army, (1 hour at Kroger on a specified day) Music and Art in the Park (1 evening in May, June or July), and of course, all Labor Day Festival activities. Other parades and luncheons are fun to attend, but are not required. We also have monthly meetings which are very helpful to attend.
10. Is there a registration fee?
There is no registration fee, however; anyone can make a donation to the pageant. $100 "Friend of the Pageant" donations will be printed in the program and listed on the website. These donations can be made via PayPal or Venmo. Please contact the Pageant Director for further information.